Video marketing and augmented reality in B2B sales

Video marketing and augmented reality are two of the most powerful tools that businesses can use to increase sales. By using these two technologies, businesses can create an immersive experience for their customers that will make them more likely to purchase products or services

Mads Winther

Augmented reality allows businesses to superimpose computer-generated images on top of real-world objects, giving customers a more realistic view of products. This can be used in showrooms or on sales floors to give potential customers a better idea of what they’re looking at. Video marketing can also be used to create an immersive experience for customers. By creating video content that is designed to be engaging and informative, businesses can increase the chances that potential customers will watch the video and be more likely to purchase products or services.

By using video marketing and augmented reality, businesses can create an immersive experience for their customers that will make them more likely to purchase products or services. These two technologies can be used together to create a powerful sales tool that can help businesses increase their sales.

Why should you care about video marketing?

Because it’s one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. And augmented reality is one of the most immersive and engaging forms of video marketing.

Here’s why you should care about using video marketing in your B2B sales strategy:

  1. Video is an incredibly effective way to reach and engage your target audience.

  2. Augmented reality is an immersive and engaging form of video marketing that can help you increase sales.

  3. By using these two technologies together, you can create a powerful sales tool that can help you increase your sales.

Benefits of Video Marketing

There are many benefits of using video marketing, including:

  1. Increased reach: Video can be shared across multiple channels, including social media, email, and your website. This allows you to reach a larger audience with your marketing message.

  2. Greater engagement: Video is an engaging format that can capture attention and keep viewers engaged.

  3. Improved conversion rates: Video can help improve conversion rates by providing potential customers with a more immersive experience.

  4. Increased ROI: Video marketing has a high ROI, making it a cost-effective way to reach your target audience.

  5. Improved brand awareness: Video can help improve brand awareness by increasing visibility and reach.

  6. Increased web traffic: Video can drive traffic to your website, helping you to increase leads and sales.

  7. Improved customer retention: Video can help improve customer retention by providing valuable information and creating a more personal connection with your audience.

  8. Higher click-through rates: Video can help increase click-through rates by providing an engaging format that encourages viewers to take action.

  9. Increased sales: Video can help increase sales by providing a more immersive experience that makes customers more likely to purchase products or services.

  10. Improved SEO: Video can help improve your website’s SEO by increasing its visibility and reach.

Cons of Video Marketing

There are a few potential disadvantages of video marketing, including:

  1. Increased costs: Producing video content can be expensive, especially if you outsource production to a professional agency.

  2. Time-consuming: Producing video content can take time, especially if you’re creating long-form or high-quality videos.

  3. Requires planning and strategy: Creating an effective video marketing strategy requires planning and forethought. You’ll need to determine your goals, target audience, and key messaging before you produce any video content.

  4. Not all viewers will watch videos: Some viewers may prefer to read text or consume other forms of content over watching videos.

  5. Requires investment: Video marketing requires an initial investment of time and resources, which may not be available to all businesses.

  6. May need professional help: Producing high-quality video content may require the help of a professional video production company.

  7. Not suitable for all businesses: Video marketing may not be suitable for all businesses, depending on the products or services offered.

  8. Requires ongoing effort: Video marketing is an ongoing effort, and you’ll need to produce new videos regularly to maintain a high level of visibility and engagement.

  9. May require additional resources: In addition to time and money, video marketing may require other resources, such as editing software, a scriptwriter, and a camera crew.

  10. Risk of poor quality: Poorly produced video content can reflect poorly on your brand and turn viewers away.


By using video marketing, businesses can create engaging and informative content that will capture attention and drive results.

How to Use Video Marketing in Your B2B Sales Strategy

There are many ways to use video marketing in your B2B sales strategy. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Use video in your email marketing campaigns.

  2. Create product demonstration videos.

  3. Shoot customer testimonial videos.

  4. Use video on your website.

  5. Create how-to videos.

  6. Use video in social media campaigns.

  7. Shoot behind-the-scenes videos.

  8. Offer exclusive video content for customers.

  9. Use video in lead generation campaigns.

  10. Give potential customers a tour of your facilities with video.


Here’s whats happening to organizations without video marketing:

In today’s day and age, customers are bombarded with marketing messages from all angles. In order to cut through the noise, businesses need to find new and innovative ways to reach their target audiences. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to do this.

Additionally, video marketing can be used to improve brand awareness, website traffic, and customer retention.

If your business is not using video marketing, you are behind the curve and missing out on a powerful sales tool. Now is the time to start using video marketing in your B2B sales strategy.

Few tools to get you started with video marketing:

Few tools to get you started with video marketing:

  1. Wistia

  2. Vimeo

  3. Animoto

  4. Adobe Premiere Pro

  5. iMovie

If you’re not using video marketing and augmented reality in your B2B sales strategy, you’re missing out on a powerful sales tool. These two technologies can help you reach and engage your target audience, and increase sales. So what are you waiting for? Start using video marketing and augmented reality today!

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