We Love Partnerships

A thriving community is about bringing people together. And that’s why we love partnerships. Check below how you can partner up with us.
And let’s make it clear upfront. We don’t pay for partnerships and we don’t get paid for partnerships Only exception is when we are part of an affiliate program which is 100% transparent as we mark it as follows: ☝ This is an affiliate link

Speakers Corner - it's like TED Talks for sales

Anyone with a passion for sales is invited to share a max 10 min video in the Speakers Corner. Share your best sales tip and get free4ever access to the community including a “Speakers Corner”-tag on your profile

Check out the list of Speakers Corner contributors here

TechCircle - it's where real sales challenges meet technology

The place for SalesTech founders and innovators to share how their solution tackles real sales challenges. Share your solution on a ~30 min live event and get free4ever access to our community including a “Tech Partner”-tag on your profile

Hosted by Morten Dalum

Check out the list of Tech Partners here

Sales Experts - it's exclusive and invite-only

Proven Sales Experts are invited to share their thinking and findings on a ~30 min live event. Inspire our community and get free4ever access to our community including the exclusive “Sales Expert”-tag on your profile

Hosted by Mads Winther

Check out the list of Sales Experts here. Becoming a Sales Expert is by invitation only – but feel free to nominate a candidate here (and get 3 mths free membership of the community if the expert is accepted)